제목 | 성 가비노 (Gabinus)에 대하여... | 카테고리 | 천주교 | ||
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작성자한시몬 | 작성일2001-12-13 | 조회수444 | 추천수0 | 신고 |
가비노 성인에 대한 자료는 상당히 미흡하군요. 국내외 자료를 검색해 본 결과 다음의 정보를 얻었습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.
St. Gabinus
d.c. 295 Feastday: Febuary 19
Martyr of rome, the brother of the Pope St. Gaius and reportedly the father of St. Susanna. Gabinus was also a relative of emperor Diocetian. Ordianed in his old age, he died in a Roman prison.
St. Gaius
Gaius Dalmatian by birth, St. Gaius was elected to the bishopric of Rome in 283. Little is known about him, although legends claim he was related to the emperor and persecutor Diocletian. Gaius spent the last eight years of his papacy, which ended with his death in 296, in the catacombs. He was buried in the cemetary of Calixtus.
(비디오 자료)
성인이야기 2- 온 가족이 함께 보는 만화 성인전
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