
제목 브리튼작곡 전쟁레퀴엠(3)
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다음글 가톨릭성가 18번 수정보완판 연습 유튜브 자료  
작성자이정봉 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2003-01-12 조회수1,998 추천수2

18에서 23까지입니다.


기타 첨부파일: 23.Dies irae Rehearsal of end movement.wma, 22,Dies irae Discussion in the control room between Britten and Galina Vishnevskaya, then between Jhon Culshow and Galina Vishnevskaya.wma, 21.Dies irae Rehearsal of the opening section.wma, 20.Requiem aeternam Rehearsal.wma, 19.Let us sleep now... In paradisum.wma, 18.It seemed that out of battle I escaped.wma

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