성가 게시판

제목 8월 미국 서부의 합창 강의회 소개
이전글 [삐에 예수]악보 구해요!!  
다음글  [RE:1558]감사드립니다.  
작성자유원택 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2000-07-16 조회수667 추천수2 반대(0) 신고
이 호중님의 부탁으로 찾아 본 결과 이것 하나 발견하였습니다. 8월은 강연회가 적은 달이라 어쩔수가 없군요. UNLV Continuing Education Courses, Workshops, Seminars Extending University Resources and Expertise into the Community http://www.unlv.edu/Colleges/Continuing_Ed/choral_workshop.htm CHORAL WORKSHOP: THE JOY OF SINGING MUS 493 (300) or MUS 770 (300) Two days of choral ensemble techniques, vocal artistry and methods, music theory, and sight singing. The workshop also includes a review of literature and styles, movement, and performance programming. For choral directors and music teachers, K-12. REQUIREMENTS: 100 percent attendance and completion of assignments and activities. PASS/FAIL Registration will be on site 8-10 am, Friday, Aug. 18 Paul Kreider, UNLV Music Department and visiting instructors Fri., 8 am-5:30 pm, Aug. 18 Sat., 8:30 am-5:30pm, Aug. 19 Moyer Student Union Ballroom $74 One undergraduate credit $100 One graduate credit An additional Workshop fee of $85 is payable to Music Mart at (800)-545-6204; ask for the Choral Department. 2790
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