성가 게시판

제목 Gruber, Josef
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작성자Kim sangdon 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2001-03-29 조회수890 추천수1 반대(0) 신고

Gruber, Josef (b W sendorf, nr. Krems, 18 April 1855; d Linz, 2 Dec 1933). Austrian composer. He was a choirboy at St Florian under Ignaz Traumihler, and studied under Josef Seiberl, J. E. Habert and, in 1887-8, Bruckner. In 1878 he succeeded Seiberl as organist at St Florian; from 1906 he taught in Linz. Influenced by the Austrian Cecilian movement, he composed much church music, some of it a cappella. He is sometimes confused with F. X. Gruber, composer of Stille Nacht. He wrote Meine Erinnerungen an Dr. Anton Bruckner (Einsiddeln, 1928).

............................................................from Grove dic.


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